It changes its texture based on the environment and, believe it or not, was once used as wallpaper. Guessed it yet? That’s right, we’re talking about leather – a material very commonly used to upholster a range of things from couches and armchairs to high-end car interiors. 


But what exactly is leather upholstery? Where does it come from and how is it used? What are the benefits of having leather upholstery? How do you keep it clean? 


Our handy leather upholstery blog answers all those questions and more. Read on! 


All Things Leather 

Leather has been around for very many years. Leather upholstery, specifically, is a type of leather that is made from the hides of certain animals. 


Cowhides are the most common source of leather but, as is often the case, different options are available. Salmon leather is known to be popular in Iceland and Norway, believe it or not!


There are also different categories of leather, with the highest quality leather being stronger, lasting longer and attracting the highest price: 


  • Embossed grain leather is stamped with a pattern which covers up the various marks you will find on a cow’s hide (much like human skin, each cow’s hide is different) – this is usually mass-produced and therefore cheaper.
  • Full-grain leather is the highest quality leather available – there is no attempt made to block out the natural textures and marks which therefore leaves a very natural look.
  • Bonded leather is exactly what it says on the tin, upholstery created from bonding together different scraps of leather – this is the cheapest option, but doesn’t last as long.


Leather Upholstery – The Benefits

Each piece of leather is different and this is what makes it a particularly unique and attractive way to upholster your furniture. And that’s not the only benefit! 


Firstly, leather has always been known to make an extremely durable fabric and is guaranteed to stand the test of time. It’s also relatively easy to clean, as we’ll come onto later. 


Secondly, it looks good. Yes, it really is that simple. Despite having been around for very many years, leather upholstery continues to be relevant and stylish even today. 


Keeping It Clean

Whilst it is very durable and hardwearing, leather does still need to be cleaned from time to time! 

Provided your upholstery is finished (scratch it lightly – it shouldn’t leave a mark), it should be relatively easy to clean. 


Our advice is to use a clean sponge to absorb any spillages, use absorbent cloths to deal with greasy marks and then buff out scratches using a chamois and some distilled water. Never use polish or varnish to clean leather – it won’t end well. 


Get In Touch 

Here at Jerome Shorter, we have been dealing with leather upholstery for decades. Looking for some further advice or perhaps a new, leather sofa? Give us a call on 01892 725305, drop us an email at or just fill out the contact form on our website.

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